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Saturday, June 21, 2014


ADY de Batista (30).
ADY de Batista akisaidiwa kushuka kwenye gari na meneja wake Sholey Maqueta mara baada ya kuwasili kwenye viunga vya Ngome Kongwe visiwani Zanzibar. (Picha zote na Zainul Mzige wa MOblog).
Na Mwandishi wetu, Zanzibar
ADY de Batista alishuka taratibu katika gari la Noah, akiwa amevalia nguo nyeupe.Alisaidiwa kushuka kwenye gari na meneja wake Sholey Maqueta na kuingia katika ukumbi wa maonesho ya sinema wa wazi uliopo Ngome Kongwe kwa ajili ya sinema yake ya O Espinho Da Rosa.
Kutoka kwenye gari hadi alipopokewa na Mtendaji wa tamasha la Filamu la Kimataifa la Zanzibar (ZIFF) Profesa Martin Mhando,unamuona mdada anayejiamini, mwenye uzuri wa asili na weusi unaong'aa majira ya magharibi kabisa, kabla ya swala ya insha.
ADY de Batista akiingia kwenye lango kuu la Ngome Kongwe.
Alikuwa anatembea taratibu kama malkia kushoto akiwawepo meneja Sholey na Kulia rafiki yake wa kiume Antoine Simonet.Nyuma alikuwapo mdogo wake Nautenle Batista.
Alipokewa na Mtendaji wa ZIFF Profesa Martin Mhando ambaye alizungumza kidogo kuhusu O Espinho Da Rosa (The Thorn Of The Rose) kabla ya kumkaribisha kuzungumza na wapenzi wa sinema waliokuwa wamejazana pomoni katika ukumbi wa sinema.
ADY de Batista na Meneja wake wakielekea kwenye jukwaa la ZIFF 2014 kuhutubia.
Kabla ya kuzungumza kuhusu filamu hiyo ambayo imechezwa na Júlio Mesquita, mwenyewe Ady Batista, Daniel Martinho, Ângelo Torres na Ciomara Morais, Ady alishukuru kuwepo Zanzibar na kusema kwamba ndoto yake imetimia, anashukuru sana.
Sinema hii ambayo ni saa moja na dakika 37, ni sinema yenye makali yote ya maisha, mashaka na pia imani zilizojikita vyema katika jamii ambayo imekuwa ikikabiliwa na matatizo mbalimbali.
ADY de Batista akizungumzia filamu yake.
Maneno ya ndoto kutimia yameonesha furaha aliyoiandika katika mtandao wa kijamii wa Facebook Mei mwaka huu baada ya kuambiwa kwamba filamu yake imeingia katika mashindano ZIFF.
Katika hiyo face book ya Mei mwaka huu aliandika: E nós fomos seleccionados! Júlio Mesquita Audilia Batista Daniel Martinho Daniel Martinho Angelo Torres Ciomara Morais Sonia Claudia Neves Eric Santos Eric Santos akimaananisha : Tumechaguliwa! akiwataarifu Júlio Mesquita Audilia Batista Daniel Martin Daniel Martin Angelo Torres Noelle Matthews Sonia Santos Santos Eric Eric Claudia Neves .
Shangilio lililokuwa katika facebook ndilo hasa alilolionesha wakati akizungumzia sinema yake hiyo ambayo ilipigwa picha kwa siku 20 na kutoa matokeo kama sinema ya Hollywood kwa ubora.
Ikiwa inajulikana kama The Thorn of the Rose,kwa kingereza, filamu hii ambayo ilikuwa ya kwanza kwa mtengeneza sinema Filipe Henriques ipo katika maelezo ya ushindani ambayo yanatoa ubora wa picha na skripti yenyewe kwa namna ambavyo matukio yamefungwa pamoja na kuwa kama visa zaidi ya viwili katika filamu.
Kiukweli wakati natazama sinema hii Ngome Kongwe na hata katika maonesho binafsi ya ndani ya ukumbi wa kujitegemea Double Tree Hotel, ina wakati inakuchanganya mwenendo ambao unatakiwa kuwa nao makini kwani kuna muda unajisikia kama kutapika kwa hasira wakati mtengeneza sinema alipokuwa akiiperemba jamii na makovu ya wanasiasa.
Unaweza kusema kwamba simulizi hili lina mashetani, lakini masimulzii yake yanakupa neno jema kabisa la kuzungumza wakati ukimaliza kuona sinema hii.
Mwendesha mashtaka David Lungha (Júlio Mesquita) katika filamu hii anakutana na binti mrembo ambaye uwepo na utokeaji wake ni wa 'utata' zaidi anayekwenda kwa jina la Rosa (Ady Batista).
Hawa wawili wanakutana katika baa ambapo watu walikuwa wanamsubiri kumpa hongera kwa ushindi wake mahakamani. Amabo anaukiri na kusema mapambano yanaendelea.
Akisema hivyo anakwenda kukaa katika kiti cha baa na pembeni mwake kuna askari polisi.
Akiketi pale mmoja wa wasaidizi wake anafika kwake akionekana wazi si tu kutoa hongera bali kumtaka kimapenzi na kumkataa, lakini akiondoka analetewa bahasha na mtandia , lakini kabla ya hapo anazungumza na polisi ambaye anamwambia hakuna ua waridi lisilokuwa na miba na ogopa unapopata ua waridi tatu.
Akaondoka akmfyonza lakini kweli aliona kuna ua waridi na maneno ya polisi yanaweza kuwa kweli.
Muda mfupi tunasikia kishindo cha kiatu na anaingia binti wa kike ambaye mwendesha mashtaka anaingiwa na kwikwi na wanaanza mambo ambayo yanapeleka katika mtandao mkubwa zaidi wa uwongo, kusalitiana, mauaji na rushwa.
Ukiangalia sinema hii hata mwanzo unapata maswali mengi kama kweli Rosa ni mtu kweli au ni mawazo ya mwendesha mashtaka, ama ni mzimu ambao hauwezi kutulia kuzimu mpaka habari ya kifo chake ielezwe.
katika simulizi hili muigizaji kinara David Lungha ni mwanamume mwenye mvuto mkubwa wa kimapenzi lakini mtata; na mtu wetu wa leo katika sebule la sinema Ady Batista ni mdada mzuri, ambaye anaonekana kuchukua kiatu cha Rosa, kama asiyekuwa na raha huko aliko.
Ndani humu Eric Santos ni askari ambaye amekuwa polisi akiwa na siri nyingi mbaya za kwake.
Lakini msimuliaji wetu anataka kukueleza kwamba si sahihi kuacha kurekebisha mambo na wale waliokufa, kwani hutafuta njia ya kurudi na kurekebisha mambo yao, imani ambayo Waguinea wanayo sana.
Mapenzi ya mwendesha mashtaka David Lunga kwa Rosa kuna vuruga kila kitu na Lunga anajikuta akifanya vitu vingi kwanza kumaananisha kwamba hana kosa wala hana sababu ya kujuta.
Filamu hii ambayo iliwapa shida watu wa sensa wa ZIFF ili iweze kuonwa na watu wengi ukumbi wa wazi, unazungumzia kwa namna ya pekee rushwa, ubakaji ambao unafanywa katika maisha ya binti, kifo chake na jinsi ambavyo anataka jumuiya ijue.
Pamoja na kwamba binti alikufa katika utata wa kutoa mimba alirejea duniani kutafuta msaada wa haki kutendeka na katika hili Polisi yule (askari wa zamani) aliwaua lakini akashindwa kummaliza moja kwa moja Lunga ambaye alimuua.
Kiukweli kuelekea mwisho wa sinema unaona matukio mengi na jinsi hali ilivyo ngumu na lazima aifanyie kazi.
Filipe Henriques ameifanyakazi kubwa sinema hii ambayo imejaa usaliti kuanzia wa kisiasa, kijamii hadi kimapenzi huku mazungumzo yakiwa mapenzi kwa watoto wadogo.
Lugha ya kireno ambayo imeambatana na lugha ya kiingereza katika maandishi yanayopita si nzuri kihivyo, lugha ina matusi mengi na isiyopendeza na kuna grafiki za mapenzi ya kulazimishwa katika hali isiyokubalika.
ADY de Batista akiondoka mara baada ya kumalizika kwa filamu yake.
Mdada huyu ambaye katika mazungumzo alisema kwamba simulizi la sinema ile ni matukio ya kweli nyumbani kwao ambapo pia kuna imani kubwa kuhusu mizimu kurejea duniani pamoja na kuwapo dini ya Kikristo na Kiislamu,ametaka jamii kujipambanua na maradhi ya woga na kuchukua hatua kwanza binafsi na kisha kijamii dhidi ya maovu.
Mdada huyu ambaye hajaolewa lakini ana rafiki wa kiume, alikuwa Zanzibar na mdogo wake na Meneja wake.
Mdogo wake ndiye anayejua kiingereza kwa ufasaha zaidi huku yeye mwenyewe amebahatisha.
Nilipomuuliza kuhusu nguo yake nyeupe, kwani katika sinema kuna vazi la harusi, alisema rangi nyeupe ni alama ya matumaini.
Kuendelea kusoma zaidi bofya hapa

Thursday, June 19, 2014


 Music Coordinator wa ZIFF, Edward Lusala akiwatambulisha wasanii watakaotumbuiza usiku wa leo kwenye tamasha la 17 la ZIFF 2014 ndani ya viunga vya Mambo Club - Ngome Kongwe visiwani Zanzibar wakati wa mkutano na waandishi wa habari. Katikati ni msanii wa muziki nchini almaarufu kama Mzungu Kichaa na Kulia ni Msanii Grace Matata.
 Mzungu Kichaa akizungumza na waandishi wa habari wakati wa mkutano na waandishi wa habari kwenye hoteli ya Doubletree by Hilton, ambapo amelishukuru tamasha la ZIFF 2014 kwa kutoa nafasi kwa wasanii wanaoimba Live Music kuonyesha uwezo wao kwenye tamasha hilo linaloukutanisha watu mbalimbali kutoka kila kona ya dunia ikiwemo na kubadilishana uwezo na wasanii wengine wa nje.
 Msanii wa muziki wa Bongo flava visiwani Zanzibar almaarufu kama Rico Single, akizungumza na waandishi wa habari ambapo ameahidi kuwapa raha ya Live Music kupitia bendi ya BODY, MIND & SOUL  kutoka nchini Malawi itakayokuwa ikimpigia vyombo, vilevile amewapongeza waandaji wa tamasha hilo kwa kuwapa nafasi na kuwatangaza wazawa kimataifa kupitia tamasha hilo
 Baadhi ya wasanii wa filamu na muziki wakati wa mkutano na waandishi wa habari kwenye hoteli ya Doubletree by Hilton visiwani Zanzibar.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


 Mwanamuziki Mkongwe wa Rege nchini, Innocent Nganyagwa akizungumza na waandishi wa habari (hawapo pichani) kuhusiana na show yake kwenye tamasha la ZIFF 2014 usiku wa leo ndani ya ukumbi wa Mambo Club kwenye viunga vya Ngome Kongwe visiwani Zanzibar.Kushoto Mtaalamu wa masuala ya habari ZIFF, Bw. Dave Ojay.
Baadhi ya wageni mbalimbali na waandishi wa habari wanaohuduria tamasha la ZIFF 2014 linaloendelea kutimua vumbi visiwani Zanzibar.(Picha na Zainul Mzige wa MOblog).

Friday, June 13, 2014


The Zanzibar International Film Festival 2014 is host to more than film screenings. The 8 day line-up also includes nightly musical performances, visual art exhibitions and more. The focus on Swahili arts & culture is an important element of the festival, especially in light of the historical lack of Swahili art exhibitions.

The music programme is a celebration of the African sound, with top artists from across the continent including Didier Awadi from Senegal, Habib Koite from Mali, and Tanzania’s AY.

Opening Weekend & Women’s Panorama

Opening Parade
June 14th 15:00 Benbela School – Old Fort
Join in the festivities as we officially kick-off ZIFF 2014. The theme for this year’s parade is A Common Destiny – Unite Against Gender Based Violence.

Dhow Race
June 15th, Tembo Hotel Beach 14:00
One of ZIFF’s most popular attractions, come cheer on the Dhows as they race in this exciting event.
 Market & Chill Out Café – Daily from 10am – 4pm
House of Wonders
Explore the wares on-sale from the women vendors of Zanzibar. Daily entertainment includes the following:

June 17th: Kidumbak Performance
June 18th:  Mrembo tips and tricks 14:00
June 19th: Fashion Show 15:00
June 20th: Music Performance
June 21st: Kidumbak Performance 
June 22nd: Puppet Show

Visual Arts

“Swahili Gift” an Exhibition by Seif Soud
Monday June 16th – 22nd June Double Tree Hilton Hotel
Seif Soud is a Zanzabari born and bred artist who began performaning his craft in 1999 in the Ngome KOngwe Art Precinct in Stonetown Zanzibar.

In this exhibition he paints sites and images that are inspired by Swahili cultural materials, colours and way of life, which fuses to create a lasting impact on the viewer.

Afrika Tutafika Exhibition
June 15 – 18th Old Customs House
This exhibition from the Ugandan design house features African inspired fashion that are made in Uganda from locally sourced materials.

June 19th – 22nd Old Customs House
With this creation on 3 screens, Christine Coulange achieves a long-term multimedia work : 5 years of travel, sound recording, sound and images composition while following musicians, rites and ceremonies in the deserts and the villages, in the islands and the cities all along this big geographic arc which joins up the Mediterranean sea and the Indian Ocean.

It is long journey across the Spice Road, a wide crossing full of sonorous images, rhythms from Egypt to Laos and Malaysia, through Tanzania, Kenya, the Comoros and Zanzibar. We follow the vital lead of rituals, rare and powerful, overwhelming landscapes, every day’s life details… Eyes and ears open to actions and rhythms, to collective ritual practice, to body language, to echoing threnodies, Sisygambis sew together traditional music and surrounding sounds to their own electronic compositions.

Transported by trance music and seams from ancestral and contemporary cultures, the film makers-composers want to transmit through musical and visual sampling the power of gestures, the singularity of ordinary and extraordinary voices, the strength and the beauty of men and women at the other end of our common world.

Music & Performance

Music-wise the festival will feature 13 performing groups with Didier Awadi, the Senegalese maestro performing on the opening night on 14th June. Live music followed by DJ’s will take place every night after the main movie screening in the Old Fort.

Groups from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Egypt are scheduled to entice audiences over the 9 nights of the festival.

All concerts will take place at the Old Fort and tickets are available online at

June 14th. Tamaduni Music (Tanzania), Didier Awadi (Senegal)
June 15th: Cocodo Band (Tanzania), Sauti Sol (Kenya)
June 16th: Raha-T- Zamani (Zanzibar), Warriors From the East (Kenya/Tanzania), Tanuri Group (Egypt)
June 17th: Sisi Na Wew, Madame Faki / Kidumbak (Zanzibar)
June 18th: DCMA (Zanzibar), Ras Innocent Nganyagwa Tanzania)
June 19th: Rico Single (Zanzibar), Mzungu Kichaa (Zanzibar/ Tanzania)
June 20th: Smile (Zanzibar),Grace Matata (Tanzania),  Comoros, Makamando
June 21st : ZIFF After Party with Godykaozya & The Tongwa Ensemble (Tanzania), Habib Koite (Mali)
June 22nd: AFDA After Party with AY(Tanzania), Body, Mind & Soul (Malawi), AY (Tanzania)

Online Ticket Purchases
All evening concert event tickets can be purchased in advance conveniently via 3G Directpay, which will provide with the online payment service for the nine-day bounty of special programming and festivities. Passes will be available for purchase at .

About ZIFF

The Zanzibar International Film Festival is the longest running film-festival in East Africa, with global credibility and instant Pan-African recognition.
The ZIFF Festival of the Dhow Countries is organized by ZIFF, a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1998 in Zanzibar to promote and showcase the culture of the Dhow Countries. Every cent raised from sponsors and donors ensures the widest possible accessibility of high- quality international screenings and cultural events to all sections of the Tanzanian population.
The ZIFF Festival of the Dhow Countries is a catalyst for the promotion and development of the region’s cultural industries. It encourages and supports the development of artistic skills and the infrastructure necessary for a vibrant and innovative arts environment.
The festival programme gives particular prominence to the visibility and interests of women and children, including the youth.
The main panorama features international film and video screenings, and international retrospectives along with music and performances, main stage events, exhibitions, workshops and seminars.
Emphasis has been given to The East African Film Makers forum and this will continue in Festival 2014, as will dialogues with various filmmakers from across the region.

For more information:,, @ZIFF_2014 #ZIFF2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Swahili Vibes is the Band of Young Talented Musicians from Zanzibar which is the main Head Quarter of the band. Early 2009 saw the birth of a new and exciting group formed by eight of the most talented students of Zanzibar's Dhow Countries Music Academy (DCMA). Despite their tender age, all are creative and talented musicians; they write and compose their own Swahili Vibes is the Band of Young Talented Musicians from Zanzibar which is the main Head Quarter of the band All Musicians in this band are the students of Dhow Countries Music Academy Zanzibar.
 Ras Inno's real name is Innocent Nganyagwa. He is originally from Dar, but has also lived in Iringa in Southern Tanzania and Tanga in Northeastern Tanzania. Already in 1982 when he was 17 years old he heard of Bob Marley and started to listen to reggae. In 1989-90 he turned to music seriously, learnt the guitar and started to compose music and write texts. He is now playing bass guitar and sings. He has no band, but team up with session musicians for live gigs and recording sessions.

He performs live 8-12 times in a year. It is expensive to rent instruments, pay for marketing and promotion etc. He also shares the difficulties to market recordings with other musicians in Tanzania:
After I finished recording the studio gives me the master tape. It's up to me to look for anyone who can buy my songs and serve them to the people who want to buy them. We have no special system of serving and buying records from artists. That's we may have a very good song, maybe very popular through media, people see you always on TV, hear you always on radio, there is so much written in the newspapers, but you are just another guy like all other guys. One of the musicians. That's our basic problem.

Ras Inno has made a few songs in Swahili, but usually they are in English. About his musical style he says:
It sounds different from Jamaican reggae and European reggae, even different from South African kind of reggae. If you listen to my songs they have something Tanzanian in them. They are songs that can make anyone listen.

When asked what it means to be a rasta in Tanzania he says:
In Tanzania you may find many different explanations. A lot of misunderstanding. They think it's just smoking ganja. You even find different groups of rastas. These can't cope with these etc. Because those don't believe in what these are believing in and these don't believe what those are believing in. There are some rules that applies to the way you live.
Like a lot of rastas here think when you are a rastafarian you don't have to be smart. I don't believe in that. Have you tried to move around in town? You find different kinds of rastas. When you're smart you're not rasta to them. When I say smart, I mean not walking smoking ganja in public, if I meat a policeman I don't care. I'm a rasta man, I'm allowed to smoke. Some takes it that way. When it comes to music some say if you sing some subject in music that maybe is going contrary to rasta beliefs you're not rasta to them.
I sing a lot about children. I say it's a lot of street children because of unplanned parenthood. Some people say "No, you're not rasta. You're talking to us about planning parenthood." That's something not rasta. But I know it's a lot of street children because of that thing and I sing. Should you be a reggae musician for the rasta or a reggae musician for the whole society?
If you talk to Jah Kimbute or some other he would tell you his views in a different way. I want more people to be rasta and one way to do this is to make them close to me by singing about their day to day life, day to day problems. My main problems are the problems facing all Tanzanians in their day to day living. We have a lot of hardships, economical and so on. I cannot say because I'm a rasta I'm allowed to do this, because then everybody is allowed to do anything.

Sauti Sol is a Kenyan Afro-pop band from Nairobi comprising members; Bien Aime Baraza (vocals & guitar), Polycarp Otieno (guitar),Willis Austin Chimano (vocals, saxophone & keytar) and Delvin Mudigi (vocals, percussion & drums) formed in 2005. Starting off as an a-Capella group, Bien, Chimano and Delvin previously met in Upper Hill high school where they performed in Voices in the Light, a high school music group. After that stint, the trio met guitarist Polycarp at Alliance Française, where they would frequent and decided to form Sauti (Swahili for voice) and immediately wrote their first song, Mafunzo ya Dunia (Life Lessons) that would later feature in their first album,Mwanzo, which is Swahili for "beginning”, which was released in August, 2009.
Their second album, Sol Filosofia, was released in February, 2011. The band has had successful tours in Europe as well as in Africa, topped Kenyan charts and gained international attention with shows in Europe and the US, as well as television appearances, various nominations, including their 2011 celebrated concert performance in Kenya with Ladysmith Black Mambazo (Internationally renowned South African a cappella group). In June 2012, Sauti Sol released ‘Sauti Sol’, a self-titled EP and collaborative effort with South African avant-garde innovative rapper/producer Spoek Mathambo.On 29th April 2014 the band released "Nishike" which caused a lot of uproar on the media due to its steamy content and this led to the song not being played on most local TV stations
Habib Koité  is a solo singer, songwriter and guitarist, based in Mali. His band,Bamada, is a supergroup of West African musicians, including Kélétigui Diabaté playing balafon. Koité is known primarily for his unique approach to playing the guitar by tuning it on a pentatonic scale and playing on open strings as one would on a kamale n'goni. Other pieces of his music sound more like the blues or flamencowhich are two styles he learned under Khalilou Traore.
Koité's vocal style is intimate and relaxed, emphasizing calm, moody singing rather than operatic technical prowess. Members of Bamada play talking drum, guitar, bass, drum set, harmonica, violin, calabash, and balafon. Koité composes and arranges all songs, singing in English, French, and Bambara.
 Grace Matata is one of Tanzanian artist. She does her work and lives in Dar Es Salaam.She attended Tambaza High School and studied basic tax management at IFM-Institute of Finance Management, her first single was 'Wimbo'. Other songs include Si Rahisi, Nyakati and Free soul.
Mzungu Kichaa aka Espen Sørensen is a Danish singer and musician. He was born in Denmark, but grew up in Tanzania, where his parents worked in the field of Development Cooperation. They went there when he was six years old. In Tanzania he learned to speak Swahili fluently and later on he got involved in music and particularly in the production of Bongo Flava at Bongo Records. The latest outcome of his interest in East African music is his first solo album "Tuko Pamoja".In the late 1990s Espen Sørensen was among the first artists that started recording at Bongo Records in Dar Es Salaam, among them Juma Nature, TID, Mangwair,Ferooz and Professor Jay. During that time it was also, when he got his artist's name Mzungu Kichaa, what can be translated by "Crazy white man".He didn't appear among the upcoming artists in Tanzania at that time, but did some choruses on several songs around 2001. Later on he went to the UK to do his undergraduate studies in Music and Cultural Anthropology. After finishing his MA in African Studies he stepped back to his music career, founding a group called Effigong in 2006. In 2008 he decided to continue as a solo artist and sucdeeded to release his first record in 2009 on the independent label Caravan Records. The album was first released in East Africa, but after getting airplay on several European radio stations it was also released in Europe in May 2009. The songs of the album, like "Jitolee" (feat. Professor Jay) or "Wajanja" are all in Swahili, the language mainly used in East African Bongo Flava. The lyrics of the songs focus on social problems in Tanzania, like poverty. Sørensen did a three-weeks promotion tour for his album in February 2009, mainly in Tanzania and Kenya, but he also performed in Denmark with the backing group ReCulture.The single Jitolee has been a hit in Tanzania and Kenya
Ambwene Allen Yessayah, better known by his stage name as A.Y., is a Tanzanian bongo flava artist. He was born on July 5, 1981 in Mtwara, Southern part of Tanzania. He began his career with the group S.O.G. in 1996. He decided to go solo in 2002. AY is among the first bongo flava artists to commercialize hip hop. He was member of the musical group known as East Coast Army, but now he's no longer part of the group. He is still releasing songs and albums collaborating most with an ex-coast artist MwanaFA.SOURCE SEIF KABELELEE BLOG

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


 Baadhi ya wanafunzi wakiwa kwenye mazoezi

Action Music Tanzania (AMTz) inatangaza fursa kwa watu wote kujiunga na mafunzo ya kupiga ala za muziki yanayoanza tarehe 3/5/2014, lengo likiwa ni kuwajengea uwezo wanamuziki wa kupiga ala na kufanya maonesho kwa weledi na utaalamu zaidi.
Baadhi ya wanafunzi wakiwa darasani

Mafunzo yanayotolewa ni pamoja na upigaji wa ala za muziki zikiwemo gita, kinanda, tarumbeta, saxophone, konga, drum set, na upigaji wa ngoma za asili. Pia yatatolewa mafunzo ya ‘body percussion’ yaani matumizi ya mwili katika kutengeneza midundo ya muziki.

Mafunzo hayo yanafanyika kwenye ofisi za AMTZ zilizopo maeneo ya Mwenge mtaa wa Umoja, nyuma ya magorofa ya jeshi na kwenye Idara ya Sanaa na Sanaa za Maonesho Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam ambapo ili kujiunga na mafunzo haya wasiliana nao kwa simu namba 0686928828/0653075791 ili kupata fomu za kujiunga na mafunzo.